During the first eleven months of 2022, 216,965 containers have been moved by rail at the port of Valencia, representing a 10.24% increase compared with the same period in the previous year.
In fact, between January and November of 2022, more than 4,200 trains have passed through the Spanish port, which is translated to a weekly average of more than 87 units compared to 77 trains per week in 2021.
Moreover, every week there were more and longer trains with more wagons and carrying more goods and containers. The average length for 2022 was 494 metres, 4.5% more than in 2021, and the number of wagons has exceeded 80,000 compared to 76,000 in the previous year.
The Port Authority of Valencia wants to continue to increase the use of trains in freight transportation in the next years aiming to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions.
The investments of around US$254 million are aimed at the remodelling of the railway network in the Spanish port, the electrification of tracks, the adaptation of the network to the European gauge, the railway access to the Port of Sagunto and the improvement of the Valencia-Teruel-Zaragoza line, among others.