The first electrification project of the Valencian precinct will be launched this June aiming to provide an electrical network that will supply energy to ships and boats moored at the docks of the port of Valencia.

The announcement of the start of the project was made at the opening of the conference ‘Electrification of Ports: Projects in Development’, an event organised by the Port Authority of Valencia, together with Ecoport and the Valenciaport Foundation, and which was held on the occasion of International Environment Day.

Joan Calabuig, president of Valenciaport, commented, “This initiative requires an electrical substation, a transformer to adapt the installed power, the circuits to connect the ships and the connection boxes… and it will be a reality very soon and the docks closest to the city will be the first to be electrified.”

The first OPS project in the port of Valencia will be located on the Costa-MSC Transversal quay and will involve an investment of €11 million (US$11.7 million).

“In September, the second project will be launched, which will be located at the Balearia and Transmediterránea terminals,” added Federico Torres, head of Ecological Transition at the Port Authority of Valencia (PAV), who went on to stress, “With them, we are going to contribute to the decarbonisation of the activity.”

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