Valencia port handles 40% of Spain’s container traffic – Barcelona and Algeciras follow

The Port of Valencia leads the container traffic in Spain both in imports and exports by exceeding 1.4 million TEU of the total 3,587,921 containers transported in the country between January and July. The number of import/export containers passing through Valenciaport between January and July has increased by 19% compared to the previous year and […]

Suez Canal box terminal investments to boost productivity

APM Terminals has announced that a series of investments initiated in 2020 aimed at equipment and capacity upgrades at the Suez Canal Container Terminal (SCCT), together with a strong partnership with the Government of Egypt, Suez Canal Economic Zone (SC Zone), sets the foundation for further future growth. The US$60 million investment consists of projects […]

Cảng Ningbo Meishan gần hoạt động bình thường trở lại

Cảng Container Quốc tế Đảo Meishan (MSICT) của Cảng Ninh Ba đã gần như trở lại hoạt động bình thường, sau khi nhiễm trùng Covid-19 đã tạm dừng hoạt động ở đó vào ngày 11 tháng 8. Nhà điều hành hãng tàu Pháp CMA CGM cho biết trong một cuộc tư vấn khách hàng vào […]

Ningbo’s Meishan terminal nearing normal operations

Ningbo Port’s Meishan Island International Container Terminal (MSICT) has nearly returned to normal operations, after a Covid-19 infection halted operations there on 11 August. French liner operator CMA CGM said in a customer advisory on 24 August that MSICT has been resuming partial operations since 18 August. “We expect a gradual return to full operations […]